

Años como abogado con licencia en Nevada y California

Sobre nosotros

David E. Walters ejerce en las áreas de inmigración y defensa criminal en Las Vegas, Nevada. Tiene licencia para ejercer la abogacía en California desde 1998 y Nevada desde 1999. También está habilitado para ejercer ante el Tribunal de Distrito de Nevada, el Distrito Central de California y el Noveno Circuito. Es miembro de la Asociación Estadounidense de Abogados de Inmigración y de Abogados de Justicia Penal de Nevada. Enseña inmigración en la Academia de Ciudadanos Hispanos del Departamento de Policía Metropolitana de Las Vegas. El Sr. Walters se graduó de la Facultad de Derecho de Loyola en Los Ángeles, CA en 1998. Durante la facultad de derecho, fue miembro de la Sociedad de Honor de Derecho St. Thomas More y de la Revista de Derecho Comparado e Internacional de Loyola de Los Ángeles. El Sr. Walters ha argumentado con éxito ante el Tribunal de Apelaciones del Noveno Circuito para anular una condena por asistencia ineficaz del consejo.

  • Quienes somos

    Somos un bufete de abogados de inmigración ubicado en Las Vegas, NV. Practicamos todas las áreas de la ley de inmigración. Díganos lo que quiere y buscaremos la manera de hacerlo realidad lo más rápido posible y a un precio razonable.

  • Qué podemos hacer por ti

    Ya sea que desee visitar o residir permanentemente en los Estados Unidos, ajustar el estado, solicitar un familiar o trabajador, obtener una autorización de trabajo o enfrentar la deportación, podemos ayudarlo.

  • Cómo contactarnos

    Puede programar una consulta inicial en la oficina con un abogado de inmigración llamando al (702) 405-6666 (inglés) o (702) 823-1200 (español) o envíenos un correo electrónico a info@davidwalterslaw.com.


Comprometidos con ayudar a nuestros clientes a tener éxito.


Bufete de abogados de Las Vegas

Ya sea que desee visitar o residir permanentemente en los Estados Unidos, ajustar el estado, solicitar un familiar o trabajador, obtener una autorización de trabajo o enfrentar la deportación, podemos ayudarlo.


Nuestros servicios


Practicamos todas las áreas de la ley de inmigración. Díganos lo que quiere y buscaremos la manera de hacerlo realidad lo más rápido posible y a un precio razonable.


La inmigración familiar es una de las áreas más desafiantes de nuestra práctica. Requiere diligencia al tratar con agencias gubernamentales y defender a nuestros clientes.


Los inversionistas y empresarios que emigran a los Estados Unidos ayudan a fortalecer nuestra economía. Debido a esto, el gobierno ha desarrollado muchas vías diferentes para visitar o reubicarse en los Estados Unidos.


La inmigración laboral permite que una empresa contrate a los candidatos más calificados disponibles independientemente de su nacionalidad.


Si lo acusan de un delito o lo arrestan, es importante contar con un abogado de confianza que pueda representarlo. David Walters tiene una amplia experiencia en diferentes tipos de casos penales, desde inmigración hasta derecho familiar.


Nuestro bufete de abogados asesora a los inmigrantes y sus familias sobre las consecuencias que pueden tener los cargos penales en la capacidad de uno para permanecer en los Estados Unidos.


Puede solicitar una renovación si cumplió con las pautas iniciales de DACA de 2012.


El estatus más alto que una persona puede recibir bajo la ley de inmigración de los Estados Unidos es convertirse en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos y tiene muchos beneficios adicionales.



Ha sido bastante tiempo de espera (17 meses) para obtener la visa de residencia legal de mi esposa. Estoy muy agradecido con su empresa por el trabajo realizado en la tarea ya cumplida. Alejandra ha sido una persona muy útil para completar dicha tarea. Ella siempre estuvo al tanto de nuestras necesidades y los documentos que se enviarían a Inmigración, NVC y al cónsul en Guayaquil. Recomendaré su firma y Alejandra a otras personas que necesiten lograr su residencia en los buenos Estados Unidos de América.

Raul “Raulo” Arrarte Moreyra

He estado en la oficina legal del Sr. Walters en más de una ocasión en relación con los asuntos de inmigración de mi esposa. Más recientemente, fui asistido por el excelente asistente legal senior, el Sr. Juan Carrillo. En un breve período y una tarde, el Sr. Carrillo ayudó a mi esposa a solicitar su Tarjeta Verde. Dos semanas después, recibí una llamada telefónica del Sr. Carrillo. Había rastreado el movimiento de la Tarjeta Verde en el correo y anunció la llegada de la Tarjeta esa tarde. Mi esposa y yo hemos estado complacidos con el servicio de Walters Law Office y el Sr. Juan Carrillo.

John Striggles [Cortney JHS]

Con mucho gusto recomiendo al Abogado David E. Walters y su gran equipo de profesionales que nos ayudaron con el proceso de legalización tanto de mi hija como de la mía; ya que con su vasta experiencia lograron concluir exitosamente nuestro proceso de legalización

Soledad Moya





Últimas noticias

25 de febrero de 2025
On Jan. 20, 2025, President Trump issued the Protecting the American People Against Invasion executive order which directed the Department of Homeland Security to ensure that aliens comply with their duty to register with the government under section 262 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (8 U.S.C. 1302), and ensure that failure to comply is treated as a civil and criminal enforcement priority. The INA requires that, with limited exceptions, all aliens 14 years of age or older who were not fingerprinted or registered when applying for a U.S. visa and who remain in the United States for 30 days or longer , must apply for registration and fingerprinting. Similarly, parents and guardians must ensure that their children below the age of 14 are registered. Within 30 days of reaching his or her 14th birthday, the previously registered alien child must apply for re-registration and to be fingerprinted. Once an alien has registered and appeared for fingerprinting (unless waived), DHS will issue evidence of registration, which aliens over the age of 18 must carry and keep in their possession at all times. It is the legal obligation of all unregistered aliens (or previously registered children who turn 14 years old) in the United States to comply with these requirements. Failure to comply will result in criminal and civil penalties, up to and including misdemeanor prosecution and the payment of fines. Most aliens in the United States have already registered, as required by law. However, a significant number of aliens present in the United States have had no direct way in which to register and meet their obligation under INA 262. In order that unregistered aliens may comply with their duty under INA 262, USCIS is establishing a new form and process by which they may register. No alien will have an excuse for failure to comply with this law. Registration is not an immigration status, and registration documentation does not establish employment authorization or any other right or benefit under the INA or any other U.S. law. American Indians born in Canada who entered the United States under section 289 of the INA, and members of the Texas Band of Kickapoo Indians who entered the United States under the Texas Band of Kickapoo Act, are not required to register. Who has already registered? Anyone who has been issued one of the documents designated as evidence of registration under 8 CFR 264.1(b) has registered. Also, anyone who submitted one of the forms designated at 8 CFR 264.1(a) and provided fingerprints (unless waived) and was not issued one of the pieces of evidence designated at 8 CFR 264.1(b), complied with the registration requirement of INA 262. Aliens who have already registered include: Lawful permanent residents; Aliens paroled into the United States under INA 212(d)(5), even if the period of parole has expired; Aliens admitted to the United States as nonimmigrants who were issued Form I-94 or I-94W (paper or electronic), even if the period of admission has expired; All aliens present in the United States who were issued immigrant or nonimmigrant visas prior to arrival; Aliens whom DHS has placed into removal proceedings; Aliens issued an employment authorization document; Aliens who have applied for lawful permanent residence using Forms I-485, I-687, I-691, I-698, I-700, even if the applications were denied; and, Aliens issued Border Crossing Cards. Who must apply for registration All aliens 14 years of age or older who were not registered and fingerprinted (if required) when applying for a visa to enter the United States and who remain in the United States for 30 days or longer. They must apply before the expiration of those 30 days. The parents and legal guardians of aliens less than 14 years of age who have not been registered and remain in the United States for 30 days or longer, prior to the expiration of those 30 days. Any alien, whether previously registered or not, who turns 14 years old in the United States, within 30 days after their 14th birthday. Who is not registered? Anyone who has not been issued one of the documents designated as evidence of registration under 8 CFR 264.1(b) and has not submitted one of the forms designated at 8 CFR 264.1(a) and provided fingerprints (unless waived) is not registered. Aliens who have not registered include: This includes: Aliens who are present in the United States without inspection and admission or inspection and parole; Canadian visitors who entered the United States at land ports of entry and were not issued evidence of registration; and, Aliens who submitted one or more benefit requests to USCIS not listed in 8 CFR 264.1(a), including applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or Temporary Protected Status, who were not issued evidence of registration. How to register DHS will soon announce a form and process for aliens to complete the registration requirement. Beginning Feb. 25, 2025, aliens required to register should create a USCIS online account in preparation for the registration process. See our How to Create a USCIS Online Account page for more information. Once the registration process is implemented, aliens will submit their registration, and parents and guardians will submit registration applications on behalf of their children under 14, through their USCIS online account. We will update this webpage to provide additional information in the coming days. Do not be a victim of an immigration scam. If you need legal advice on immigration matters, make sure the person helping you is authorized to give legal advice. Visit the Avoid Scams page for information and resources.  https://www.uscis.gov/alienregistration Last Reviewed/Updated: 02/25/2025
20 de febrero de 2025
Release Date 02/20/2025  On Feb. 20, 2025, Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem partially vacated the July 1, 2024, notice that extended and redesignated Haiti for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The announcement amends the period of extension and redesignation of Haiti for TPS from 18 months to 12 months, with a new end date of Aug. 3, 2025, and makes a corresponding change to the initial registration period for new applicants under the redesignation, which will now remain in effect through Aug. 3, 2025. For additional information, please see the Federal Register notice . https://www.uscis.gov/newsroom/alerts/update-on-tps-for-haiti
5 de febrero de 2025
Release Date 02/05/2025 Today, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that the initial registration period for the fiscal year 2026 H-1B cap will open at noon Eastern on March 7 and run through noon Eastern on March 24, 2025 . During this period, prospective petitioners and representatives must use a USCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated registration fee for each beneficiary. Prospective H-1B cap-subject petitioners or their representatives are required to use a USCIS online account to register each beneficiary electronically for the selection process and pay the associated $215 H-1B registration fee for each registration submitted on behalf of each beneficiary. If you are an H-1B petitioning employer who does not have a USCIS online account, you will need to create an organizational account . If you are an H-1B petitioning employer who had an H-1B registrant account for the FY 2021 – FY 2024 H-1B registration seasons, but you did not use the account for FY 2025, your existing account will be converted to an organizational account after your next log in. First-time registrants can create an account at any time. You can find additional information and resources on the organizational accounts, including a link to step-by-step videos, on the Organizational Accounts Frequently Asked Questions page . These FAQs will be updated with FY 2026 information before the start of the initial registration period. Representatives may add clients to their accounts at any time, but both representatives and registrants must wait until March 7 to enter beneficiary information and submit the registration with the $215 fee. Selections take place after the initial registration period closes, so there is no requirement to register on the day the initial registration period opens. The FY 2026 H-1B cap will use the beneficiary-centric selection process launched in FY 2025. Under the beneficiary-centric process, registrations are selected by unique beneficiary rather than by registration. If we receive registrations for enough unique beneficiaries by March 24 , we will randomly select unique beneficiaries and send selection notifications via users’ USCIS online accounts. If we do not receive registrations for enough unique beneficiaries, all registrations for unique beneficiaries that were properly submitted in the initial registration period will be selected. We intend to notify by March 31 prospective petitioners and representatives whose accounts have at least one registration selected. The U.S. Department of Treasury has approved a temporary increase in the daily credit card transaction limit from $24,999.99 to $99,999.99 per day for the FY 2026 H-1B cap season. This temporary increase is in response to the volume of previous H-1B registrations that exceeded the daily credit card limit. Transactions more than $99,999.99 may be made via Automated Clearing House (ACH). Use of ACH may require the payor to alert their bank in advance to remove any potential ACH block on their account. We will provide additional information before the start of the initial H-1B registration period. An H-1B cap-subject petition, including a petition for a beneficiary who is eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may only be filed by a petitioner whose registration for the beneficiary named in the H-1B petition was selected in the H-1B registration process. Additional information on the electronic registration process is available on the H-1B Electronic Registration Process page. Organizational Account Enhancements for FY 2026 For FY 2026, we have made multiple enhancements for organizational and representative accounts for H-1B filing. These enhancements include: The ability for paralegals to work with more than one legal representative. A paralegal will now be able to accept invitations from multiple legal representative accounts, allowing them to prepare H-1B registrations, Form I-129 H-1B petitions, and Form I-907 requests for premium processing for different attorneys, all within one paralegal account; An easier way for legal representatives to add paralegals to company clients. Pre-population of certain Form I-129 fields from selected H-1B registrations; and The ability to prepare a spreadsheet of H-1B beneficiary data and upload the information to pre-populate data in H-1B registrations. These enhancements will be live before the start of the initial registration period. https://www.uscis.gov/newsroom/alerts/fy-2026-h-1b-cap-initial-registration-period-opens-on-march-7
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